James Dozier, Executive Director of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, issued the following statement following the 2014 General Election.
“During this cycle, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) invested over $1.5M defending our allies and electing smart, conservative leaders. The candidates backed by CRES have demonstrated their support for strategic investments in advanced clean energy technologies that will put us on the path to energy independence, while creating high paying jobs in America. Today, we are seeing that support for clean energy policies that reduce our dependence on foreign oil and preserve our climate for future generations is a winning message with all voters.”
“The leadership demonstrated by the candidates CRES supported sent a clear message that clean energy isn’t a partisan issue. Supporting focused, conservative policies that advance our energy independence, strengthen our economy, and preserve our climate for future generations is a winning strategy for Republicans in future competitive races.”
“I am proud of CRES’ support for these Republican leaders and look forward to continuing a constructive dialogue on clean energy policies that will reduce carbon, enhance energy efficiency, and engage voters to support market based conservative solutions.”
CRES directly influenced the outcome of a handful of races during the midterms with more than $1.5 million in political activity, including:
$297,000 in cable and broadcast television ads supporting Senator Lindsey Graham in South Carolina
$311,000 in cable and broadcast television ads supporting Lamar Alexander in Tennessee
$250,000 of broadcast and cable television advertising bolstering Senator Susan Collins in Maine
$190,000 in radio and TV ads in support of Congressman Mike Simpson in Idaho
$150,000 in mail and GOTV phones supporting Richard Tisei in Massachusetts
$123,000 in mail and GOTV phones on behalf of Barbara Comstock in Northern Virginia
$100,000 in cable TV standing behind Congressman Joe Heck in Nevada
$105,000 in mail and GOTV phones in support of Carlos Curbelo in Florida