CRES Statement on Perry Confirmation

March 2, 2017

Former Governor Has Proven Track Record of Support for Renewable Energy Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) Managing Director Heather Reams released the following statement following the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of former Texas Governor Rick Perry to serve as Secretary of Energy.

“CRES congratulates Rick Perry on his confirmation to lead the Department of Energy and applauds his focus on renewable energy policy during the confirmation process. In his joint address to Congress, President Trump mentioned the importance of securing a legacy of clean air and clean water for this and future generations. Perry represents the latest in a slate of high-profile nominees in the Trump administration who have elected records in supporting commonsense, clean energy solutions to create jobs and spur renewable energy development driven by the free market,” Reams said.

“As the longest-serving governor in Texas history, Perry helped to establish Texas as the top producer of wind energy in the country and he distinguished himself as a leader who understands how innovative, renewable energy technology can increase energy production that is abundant, affordable, and clean for our environment. CRES looks forward to working with Perry to ensure the continued implementation of clean energy policy such as wind, solar, nuclear, biomass and hydropower to address our climate challenges, strengthen our national security, and preserve the quality of our environment for future generations.”

Rick Perry’s Confirmation Hearing Statements on Clean Energy Solutions

  • “If confirmed I will promote energy in all forms, and that certainly includes our renewables. America has been blessed with vast natural resources and the technology to utilize them. I’m committed to helping provide stable, reliable, affordable and secure sources of American energy. And America’s first energy strategy is important to grow jobs and the economy.”
  • “During my time as governor, Texas took the national lead in wind energy development, and now produces more wind power than all but five countries. When it comes to climate change, I am committed to making decisions based on sound science and that also take into account the economic impact. We need an energy policy for the 21st century that is focused on promoting American energy in all forms. I am committed to working with this committee and the incoming Administration to do so.”


Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization founded in 2013 to engage Republican policymakers and the public about commonsense, conservative solutions to address our nation’s need for abundant, reliable energy while preserving our environment.

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