CRES Applauds Senate for Maintaining BLM Methane Capture Rule


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) applauds members of the United States Senate for their decision to maintain current restrictions that limit dangerous methane emissions.

“As the Administration and Members of Congress work to revitalize American job creation and manufacturing, it is important that our elected leaders find a path to balance economics and our environment,” said CRES Managing Director Heather Reams. “We applaud Senators Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain for understanding that current federal methane emission rules meet this necessary commonsense balance.”

“The large majority of likely Republican and independent voters support efforts to reduce emissions and improve existing regulations. Time and again, we see that prioritizing cleaner, more affordable domestic energy is good policy and politics,” added Reams.

The decision not to proceed with a vote on the Congressional Review Act (CRA) came on the heels of key CRES advocacy investments, including a month-long digital and phone campaign encouraging Republican voters across seven states to write and call their Senators in support of current policies limiting methane emissions. The total cost of the campaign, along with polling showing strong support from voters for the methane emission regulations, brings CRES’ advocacy operation costs across all seven states to more than $250,000.

Click here to read the polling memo and here for the survey toplines from WPA Intelligence.


Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization founded in 2013 to engage Republican policymakers and the public about commonsense, conservative solutions to address our nation’s need for abundant, reliable energy while preserving our environment.

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