Letter: Reformed tax code will create more jobs


As originally published in the Bucks Courier Times on April 26, 2018.

Leadership and vision

I applaud Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick for helping to safeguard funding for the U.S. Department of Energy’s research and development of technology that will help strengthen our national security by updating our electric grid systems and exploring new types of domestic energy to decrease our dependence on foreign sources of energy.

The fiscal year 2018 funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy also establishes a great baseline as fiscal year 2019 funding discussions unfold. Every dollar invested will not only help to provide reliable, affordable energy, it has proven to deliver great returns on our investment by creating jobs and helping economic growth.

Clean energy, advanced technology and energy research represent critical elements of American ingenuity, and support for this work increasingly transcends political lines. That is a credit to conservatives like Congressman Fitzpatrick, who has demonstrated his leadership and vision throughout his career in public service by continually advocating for energy innovation.

Heather Reams

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions

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