Letter: Amodei supports clean energy


Fighting for Nevada’s needs in Congress takes experience, dedication and a commitment to achieving solutions that get results. Congressman Mark Amodei has proven to be a leader that can be trusted to put Nevada’s employment and economic needs first, especially when it comes to supporting clean energy solutions.

More than one-fifth of Nevada’s electricity generation is now fueled by renewable energy, so Rep. Amodei understands that the clean energy sector is a critical element of long-term sustained economic growth in northern Nevada. That’s why he fought to ensure the latest federal budget included crucial funding for ARPA-E, the Department of Energy’s research and development arm.

As a member of the House Clean Energy and Innovation Working Group, Amodei also moved to streamline permitting processes and regulations to harvest the full potential of domestic energy resources, including wind, solar and geothermal, capable of addressing the energy requirements of Nevada and our nation at large.

Thanks to Mark Amodei’s leadership in Congress, Nevada is seeing results and steady progress on achieving clean energy solutions that balance resource development and economic gains with the need for preserving our climate. This track record is why Rep. Amodei has earned the endorsement of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. He is the kind of pragmatic leader we need in Congress.

James Dozier

Executive Director, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions

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