Citizens For Responsible Energy Solutions Formally Endorses Congressman Tom Reed in Re-Election Bid for U.S. House

June 14, 2018 —Today, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) formally endorsed Rep. Tom Reed in his re-election bid for U.S. House in New York’s 23rd District.

“Rep. Tom Reed has made focusing on commonsense, clean energy solutions that grow the economy, strengthen America’s national security, and preserve the quality of our natural environment a hallmark of his time in the House. Additionally, Rep. Reed has demonstrated a commitment to promoting clean energy technology as a member of the House Clean Energy and Innovation Working Group. CRES is proud to formally endorse Tom Reed in his re-election bid for U.S. House in New York’s 23rd District,” CRES Managing Director Heather Reams said.

“New energy technologies create good paying jobs for hard working New Yorkers. I am honored that Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions recognized our work to advance energy resources that lower energy costs, strengthen the economy and protect our environment,” said Rep. Tom Reed.

Rep. Reed’s record on clean energy includes:

  • Acted as the lead sponsor of the POWER Act, legislation that would create jobs, reduce energy consumption, and protect the environment.
  • Co-sponsored the Roofing Efficiency Jobs Act, a bipartisan bill to promote job creation and save businesses and consumers millions of dollars each year on energy bills.
  • Demonstrated a commitment to promoting clean energy technology as a member of the House Clean Energy and Innovation Working Group.


 Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization advocating for comprehensive and responsible solutions to our nation’s energy issues. The organization is comprised of citizens from around the country who believe it is time for politicians in Washington to stop arguing, and start working on ways to solve our nation’s energy crisis.

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