CRES Statement on the Green New Deal


February 7, 2019

Contact: [email protected]

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) Executive Director Heather Reams issued the following statement on the Green New Deal.

“The ‘Green New Deal’ is a laundry list of unrealistic and politically unfeasible promises. It is riddled with a wish list of liberal policy goals such as nationalized health care and guaranteed income which sacrifice the seriousness of solving climate change in favor of a radical left-wing political agenda.

“Setting aside those non-germane issues, supporters of the Green New Deal are betting on federal command and control to solve climate change. A better bet is on the American people – our brilliant innovators and problem solvers across this land – but they need the right alignment of federal and state policies to get there faster. This is where our elected officials come in to identify actionable climate solutions that can pass today.

“There’s no doubt that Republicans need to champion their own solutions to further emission reductions, including grid modernization, regulatory reform, tax incentives and greater investment in clean energy research, development and deployment that will enable industry and the power of the free market to innovate and move more quickly. This issue requires serious bipartisan solutions, not more political wedges and rhetoric.

“To this end, CRES is committed to working with Congress and the Administration to achieve rapid reductions in emissions that will benefit our nation today and for generations to come.”


Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization founded in 2013 to engage Republican policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge.

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