WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) Executive Director Heather Reams released the following statement after Representative Tom Reed (NY-23) introduced the Energy Sector Innovation Credit.
“As a world leader in bringing new energy technologies to market, it is critical that the United States maintains its place as a trailblazer for energy innovation,” said CRES Executive Director Heather Reams. “Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions supports this forward-looking legislation, which will help pave the way for American entrepreneurs in the clean energy sector and cement our country’s competitive edge. Additionally, the legislation allows for increased investments in energy storage technology, which is a critical component for clean energy. We applaud Reps. Reed, Panetta, Suozzi, LaHood, Schweikert, and Gottheimer for authoring this bill and look forward to working with them to see the Energy Sector Innovation Credit Act become law.”
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) engages Republican policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge.