CRES Names 2024 Congressional Clean Energy Champions 

WASHINGTON Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) today named U.S. Senators Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and U.S. Representatives Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) and Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) as the 2024 CRES Clean Energy Champions

“Sens. Lummis and Grassley and Reps. Carter and Walberg are leading the charge to advance clean energy in their home states and nationwide, recognizing that American-made, clean energy innovation not only reduces global emissions but also strengthens our economy,” said CRES President Heather Reams. “Their efforts reflect a pragmatic, all-of-the-above energy approach, and CRES is proud to honor these lawmakers as the 2024 CRES Clean Energy Champions.”

“Energy security demands an all-the-above approach that taps innovators right here at home,” said Sen. Grassley. “Not to mention, diversifying our renewable energy portfolio supports good jobs and eases the pocketbook pinch for consumers. For decades, I’ve championed legislation to build out our wind energy infrastructure, and I continue to be a fierce advocate for biofuels producers. It’s an honor to accept this recognition alongside my bicameral colleagues – while the award acknowledges past efforts, you can bet it’ll help fuel my future work, too.”

“I am thrilled to be named a Clean Energy Champion by Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions,” said Sen. Lummis. “My home state of Wyoming produces some of the cleanest energy in the world, yet the Biden-Harris administration continues to try to eliminate domestic energy production in favor of unrealistic Green New Deal goals. I am proud to champion some of the cutting-edge technology being developed in the Cowboy State at the University of Wyoming that supports Wyoming coal while finding innovative ways to use it to power the world in a clean, affordable way. We can have an all-of-the-above energy approach where we work to continue using energy sources that we know work while also looking to the future for expansion of clean technologies like nuclear energy.”

“We all want the same thing – affordable, reliable and clean energy. I’m proud to be part of a vocal group of House Republicans who boldly discuss solutions that allow us to accomplish these goals without killing growth and investment,” said Rep. Carter. “From attending COP28 to speaking to local student groups, Republicans must continue to drive the conversation because we are right on policy. I thank CRES for this award and for pushing for responsible energy policies.”

“I’m honored to be named a Clean Energy Champion by CRES, who has been a strong advocate for commonsense policies that provide Americans with reliable, affordable, abundant and clean energy,” said Rep. Walberg. “Through an all-of-the-above energy approach, we have been able to reduce emissions, create jobs and strengthen our global competitiveness. I look forward to continuing to pursue efforts that promote private sector innovation to meet our climate goals, ensure affordable energy and place the United States as the global leader in clean energy technologies.”

Each year, CRES awards federal policymakers with the Clean Energy Champion award as a testament to their work supporting commonsense clean energy and climate legislation that protects our communities as well as our economy and to celebrate their commitment to building a clean energy future for America.  

Sen. Grassley has demonstrated constant leadership on prioritizing clean energy incentives, ethanol technologies and all-of-the-above energy policies. He is the “father” of the Wind Energy Incentives Act of 1993 and was instrumental in the development of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Sen. Grassley has been invested in creating a robust clean energy future longer than almost any lawmaker in the clean energy space.

Sen. Lummis’ leadership in the Senate, particularly as Chair of the Senate Western Caucus, has been instrumental in championing the interests of rural communities and ensuring that western voices are heard in the energy policy debate. She has an unwavering commitment to promoting American energy independence and security, and she is dedicated to ensuring the United States has access to reliable, affordable and clean energy.  

Rep. Carter has demonstrated global leadership through his prioritization of clean energy incentives and ensuring conservative voices are heard at global forums like COP28. His continued support of new nuclear installations such as Georgia’s Vogtle nuclear power plant and robust EV and battery manufacturing hub demonstrates that Rep. Carter is not only supportive of a clean energy future, but he is greatly invested in American jobs and leadership in the clean energy future. 

Rep. Walberg’s leadership on prioritizing clean energy incentives, advocating for American innovation and supporting all-of-the-above energy policies is obvious. In his role on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, he has introduced dozens of bills to promote a clean, domestic energy supply by removing barriers, streamlining permitting and investing in nuclear, liquid and traditional natural gas, and hydropower. Additionally, Mr. Walberg’s demonstrated interest in boosting both the physical and cyber strength of our grid, as well as its size, will ensure reliability for the foreseeable future, even as energy demand greatly increases thanks to new technologies such as artificial intelligence and electric vehicles (EVs).

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