CRES Applauds Passage of Natural Climate Solutions, Legislation to Increase American Competitiveness in Government Funding Bill

WASHINGTON, December 23, 2022—Heather Reams, president of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES), today released the following statement in response to the passage of key legislation championed by CRES—the Growing Climate Solutions Act (GCSA) and the Sponsoring USDA Sustainability Targets in Agriculture to Incentivize Natural Solutions (SUSTAINS) Act—to support America’s agriculture sector, as well as record funding for U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs to increase American competitiveness. This legislation was included in the omnibus appropriations package passed by Congress.

“CRES is a longtime supporter of natural climate solutions like the Growing Climate Solutions Act and the SUSTAINS Act and has actively encouraged passage of both bills. America’s hardworking farmers, ranchers, and foresters have been environmental stewards for generations but have largely been left out of the climate conversation,” said CRES President Heather Reams. “The passage of GCSA and the SUSTAINS Act is a step in the right direction –commonsense, conservative-backed environmental policy that recognizes the importance of leveraging American ingenuity and innovation to advance the interests of American agriculture and reduce global emissions.

“I commend U.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee Republican Leader John Boozman (R-Ark.), Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), and House Agriculture Committee Republican Leader Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-Pa.) for their continued leadership on advancing policies that support farmers and help the environment,” Reams continued. “Passage of GCSA would not have been possible without the 27 Senate Republicans and 31 House Republicans who sponsored the legislation.”

The goal of GCSA is to reduce barriers for American farmers, ranchers, and foresters to confidently participate in voluntary carbon off set markets. Last year, GCSA passed the U.S. Senate by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 92 to 8, with more Republican Senators supporting than Democratic. Following its passage, CRES launched a six-figure advertising campaign—including a full-page advertisement in the Wall Street Journal—thanking the U.S. Senate. The campaign encouraged readers and viewers to visit

The SUSTAINS Act provides the private-sector opportunities to partner with USDA to work with American farmers and ranchers on initiatives to sequester carbon and advance conservation efforts. This legislation, authored by House Agriculture Committee Republican Leader Thompson, was approved by the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture in May with strong bipartisan support.


Record Funding for U.S. Department of Energy’s Innovation Programs that Increase American Competitiveness:

“American competitiveness relies on American innovation. To lower energy costs and decrease global emissions, DOE’s research, development, and deployment programs will help spur the investments needed to strengthen our clean energy economy,” Reams continued. “This important investment in DOE innovation programs will promote American competitiveness by prioritizing low-carbon technologies and R&D, improving energy storage, and helping address critical mineral challenges. Improving access to innovative technology solutions on American soil reduces our reliance on countries like China and other geopolitical adversaries. This not only makes for a more secure world, but also results in significantly lower global emissions—as China is one of the least carbon efficient economies in the world, while America is one of the most carbon efficient in the world.”

Funding increases for DOE programs to note include:

  • Critical Minerals: $248.5M—a nearly 50 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) funding levels—for research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities dedicated to the development of alternatives to, recycling of, and efficient production and use of critical minerals.
  • Industrial Energy Innovation R&D: $685M—a 34 percent increase from FY22—for industrial decarbonization activities to conduct clean industrial research, development, and demonstrations across multiple offices within DOE.
  • Storage: $540M to support the research, development, demonstration, commercialization, and deployment of energy storage as detailed in the Energy Act of 2020.
  • Clean Energy Demos: $89M for the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations to implement large-scale funding opportunities and clean energy technology demonstrations and prioritize demonstrations for the highest emitting sectors.
  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology: $170M to maintain a diverse program which focuses on hard-to-electrify applications and early-, mid-, and late-stage research, development, demonstration, and technology acceleration including market transformation.


Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) engages Republican policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge. For more information, visit


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