WASHINGTON, April 19, 2021 – Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) Executive Director Heather Reams today applauded U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for his leadership in introducing the “Energy Innovation Agenda: Conservative Solutions for a Better Climate” in advance of Earth Day. A three-day online summit hosted by McCarthy will feature more than thirty bills and policies championed by congressional Republicans, each addressing a unique environmental or climate change challenge.
“When progressives say Republicans don’t care about the environment, here are three dozen reasons why that’s just not true,” Reams said. “These bills from House Republicans give America a clear-headed alternative to the reckless spending and heavy-handed government control offered by the Biden Administration. Combined into America’s Energy Innovation Agenda, these bills and policies present a climate change plan that doesn’t sacrifice our country.”
In support of McCarthy’s initiative, CRES today launched republicanclimateplan.com, an online resource to learn more about America’s Energy Innovation Agenda, and to better understand how climate policy can support a thriving American economy. The site provides a direct link to the Minority Leader’s live page where visitors can stream live or replay the entire Energy Innovation Agenda Summit.
“Greenhouse gas emissions are a global problem—requiring affordable, reliable solutions that work just as well for India as they do for Indiana,” Reams said. “America’s Energy Innovation Agenda charts a path towards globally deployable solutions that will grow instead of shrink our GDP. The formula is quite simple: Cut energy costs, not energy choices. Export American innovation, not American jobs. Reduce our emissions, not our economy.
“We know this approach works,” Reams continued. “Between 2005 and 2019, America reduced our emissions more than the next twelve countries combined, all while making energy more affordable and growing our economy. The Biden Administration’s mandates and restrictions do the opposite—drive up energy prices, replace American jobs with empty promises, and hand over our prosperity directly to our adversaries in the Middle East, Russia, and China.
“America’s conservative climate plan starts at the foundation—fixing our convoluted permitting process for construction projects,” Reams continued. “America can’t harness the power of its natural resources, create jobs and reduce emissions, if bureaucratic red tape stymies new clean energy projects and cleaner, modern replacements for our aging infrastructure. Reforms like the BUILDER Act will quickly reduce our emissions, save taxpayer money, and create good-paying, ‘Made in America’ jobs.
“The Republican agenda offers strong support for American innovation, the world’s best hope against climate change, by advancing the rollout of new technologies faster than ever,” Reams continued. “At the same time, bills such as The Trillion Trees Act combine ecologic with economic forces to enhance the environment. Natural solutions tap the expertise of Americans already on the front lines of a changing climate – our farmers, ranchers, hunters, fishers and foresters – to help capture carbon and conserve our fields, forests, prairies and wetlands for future generations.
“For too long the environment has been politicized as a red vs blue issue. The truth is, it’s a red, white and blue issue, and impacts us all,” Reams concluded. “It’s time to listen to Conservatives’ affordable, rational and reliable solutions that are good for America and for the planet.”