WASHINGTON— Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) today applauded U.S. House passage of Rep. Ryan Zinke’s (R-Mont.) H.Con.Res. 86, a resolution condemning a domestic carbon tax, and Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse’s (R-Wash.) H.Res. 987, a resolution denouncing President Biden’s war on American energy. CRES President Heather Reams issued the following statements of support:
H.Con.Res. 86:
“America’s global leadership in emissions reduction should be rewarded. Not only is implementing a carbon tax punitive for American industry, workers and families, it unfairly benefits our economic competitors which rely on dirtier energy production,” said CRES President Heather Reams. “CRES has never supported a carbon tax and thanks Rep. Zinke for leading this resolution.”
H.Res. 987:
“During his first term, President Biden has taken numerous steps to stifle our nation’s energy production – which is among the cleanest in the world – including his latest attack on American-made natural gas,” said CRES President Heather Reams. “Not only do his misguided actions raise costs for consumers and cost American jobs, but they directly contradict his own ‘climate agenda’ and increase global emissions. CRES thanks Rep. Newhouse for leading this resolution showcasing the Biden Administration’s shortsighted energy policies.”
To learn more about Rep. Zinke’s resolution, read CRES’ blog post HERE. To read more about how President Biden’s de facto ban on U.S. LNG exports will increase global emissions, check out this CRES blog post HERE.