Letter: Meehan lauded for clean energy stance

By Heather Reams, as originally published in the Delaware County Daily Times on December 4, 2017.


To the Editor:

U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan has always embraced commonsense policies. Most recently, he was a co-sponsor of H.R. 1090, the Technologies for Energy Securities Act, which would restore clean energy tax credits for several burgeoning industries, including geothermal heat pumps and microturbines. Key provisions of this bill were included in tax reform legislation just passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.

This is a critical move because these tax credits were “orphaned” last year when Congress extended similar tax credits for commercial and residential solar energy installations. If the tax credits remain part of the final tax reform package, they will provide parity with traditional energy industries like coal and petroleum. We should pursue all viable energy sources as part of an “all of the above” plan to become truly energy independent.

Without these credits, Pennsylvania and the rest of the nation stand to lose potential economic growth and job creation. The clean energy sector is now worth $200 billion and supports 3 million jobs. All it needs to continue growing and innovating is a level playing field, which can be permanently established through the tax credits in H.R. 1090.

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions Forum, our allies and fellow advocates are grateful for Rep. Meehan’s enduring support. We know we can count on him to continue to champion clean energy for years to come.

-Heather Reams, Managing Director, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions Forum

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