Senator Flake Delivers Clean Energy Solutions For Arizona


As the Chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) occupies an unique position to enhance a commonsense energy agenda for America. His recent efforts in support of conserving a clean water supply, advancing America’s energy independence and promoting advancements in nuclear innovation are indicative of his leadership in the clean energy arena.

Hailing from Arizona, Senator Flake understands the importance of preserving the Grand Canyon State’s historic lands and protecting its natural resources. Additionally, Senator Flake demonstrated a strong commitment to conserving the environment when he was one of 15 Senate Republicans who voted to acknowledge that climate change is occurring in one of the first votes after assuming the majority.

As a subcommittee chair, Senator Flake has introduced provisions that improve responsible stewardship of Arizona’s water and energy sources. Although Flake is just in his first term as U.S. Senator, he has already delivered legislative victories to his constituents, such as elevating the effort to combat Arizona’s droughts as a national water infrastructure priority.

With an extensive background in international affairs, Senator Flake knows that the most effective method for achieving America’s energy independence in the 21st century is by enacting an all-the-above energy policy that supports free-market growth and innovation. Earlier this year, Senator Flake took decisive action to promote advancements in the nuclear sector as a co-sponsor of the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act. This bipartisan legislation included provisions to modernize the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) functions to encourage innovation by establishing transparency and accountability measures and by developing regulatory framework to enable the licensing of advanced nuclear reactors.

CRES applauds Senator Jeff Flake for his dedication to advancing bipartisan clean energy policy that helps to improve the lives of his constituents. Thanks to Senator Flake’s ability to deliver commonsense and effective energy reform, Arizona’s citizens, businesses and infrastructure are better protected from the threats posed by droughts and the U.S. is better positioned to achieve energy independence.

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