“After more than 40 years of existence, NEPA has not aged gracefully. It’s astounding that in this modern, on-demand era, anyone would defend expensive, job-killing, bureaucratic red tape. President Trump’s NEPA reforms are good for consumers, good for our economic recovery, and good for America writ large. These reforms streamline an environmental review process that had become synonymous with illogical business practices, special interest favoritism, and government overreach. They also give business owners and communities a clear path to successfully embark on big, bold infrastructure projects — including clean energy development — to create quality job opportunities and make life better. The fact of the matter is, if we can cut six years of red tape from a clean energy project like a nuclear plant or modernized wind farm, that’s six years of fewer emissions in our atmosphere from conventional sources of power. CRES applauds the Trump Administration for finding a way to bring new innovations and new infrastructure projects to life faster without sacrificing the intention of the original NEPA legislation.”
— Heather Reams, Executive Director, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions