CRES Congratulates Greg Walden on His Selection as Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee

December 1 — Today, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) Director of Federal Affairs Andrew Bird released the following statement on the election of Greg Walden to Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in the 115th Congress.

“Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions congratulates Greg Walden on his selection as Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.  Congressman Walden is a national leader who understands that advancing clean energy solutions to further stimulate innovation and our economy is best served through Republican leadership. His commonsense-driven approach to finding legislative solutions to private sector challenges demonstrates we can promote investments in renewable sources of energy that spur domestic manufacturing, strengthen our national security, and maximize the potential economic opportunity we have here in the US.  CRES looks forward to working with Chairman Walden to make those opportunities become reality.”


Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization advocating for comprehensive and responsible solutions to our nation’s energy issues. The organization is comprised of citizens from around the country who believe it is time for politicians in Washington to stop arguing, and start working on ways to solve our nation’s energy crisis. For more information, visit CRES.

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