WASHINGTON – Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) President Heather released the following statement on the U.S. House passage of Rep. August Pfluger’s (R-Texas) Congressional Review Act (CRA), H.J.Res. 35:
“CRES applauds the passage of H.J.Res. 35, which repeals the EPA’s final rule promulgating the natural gas tax. While Congress must still work to eliminate the natural gas tax itself, repealing this rule provide America’s energy producers a much-needed reprieve from the heavy hand of government,” said CRES President Heather Reams. “Higher taxes and onerous regulations designed to punish American producers only succeed in stifling innovation and making the most efficient producers less competitive in the global market. Such actions are contrary to lowering global emissions and advancing an American energy agenda. The federal government should champion these American operators and their progress, not penalize them.”