Creating healthy, resilient forests is a commonsense way we can support clean air, sequester carbon emissions, and maintain the health and safety of the environment.
As originally published in E&E News. By: Nick Sobczyk The House Natural Resources Committee will examine two climate change bills, including a Republican-backed measure that’s taken heat from influential conservative groups. The panel will hold a legislative hearing Wednesday on a bill from Chairman Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) to achieve net-zero emissions on public lands, as […]
As originally published in The Washington Examiner. February 20, 2020 By: Josh Siegel The conservative group Club for Growth is crafting a plan to address climate change after denouncing a climate agenda introduced last week by House Republican leaders. Joe Kildea, a Club for Growth spokesman, confirmed to the Washington Examiner that the group is preparing a […]
As originally published in The Washington Post. By: Henry Olsen February 17, 2020 Most Americans don’t think planting trees is socialism. Try telling that to the Club for Growth. The Club is a huge player in conservative and Republican politics. Formed in the late 1990s, it wields enormous influence because of its ability to spend […]