Congressman Ryan Zinke, recently nominated to serve as our nation’s next Interior Secretary, quickly made his mark in Congress as a pragmatic leader who was dedicated to placing Montana’s interests first. Few policy areas are as indicative of this fact more than his impressive leadership record promoting commonsense, clean energy solutions.
Last fall, Rep. Zinke demonstrated his commitment to advancing renewable energy sources when he joined fourteen of his colleagues as a member of the House Energy, Innovation and Environmental Working Group. The group was formed months earlier by Republican members who were dedicated to highlighting the role that the free market and innovation play in bringing new technologies to market that create American jobs and improve the quality of our air and water.
As an avid sportsman and hunter, Zinke has also made the preservation of America’s natural treasures a hallmark of his time in Congress. By voting to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), he supported a vital source for efforts to preserve local parks, recreational areas, and other famous sites and natural resources for future generations of families and outdoor enthusiasts.
“I voted for the permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF),” wrote Zinke in an op-ed for The Montana Standard. “The amendment had bipartisan support and only partisan opposition, yet it failed 16-22. Looks like I have 22 meetings I need to set up. Better yet, I would like to invite the 22 members who voted against LWCF to take a hike. I invite each and every one of them to come out to Montana, hike one of our beautiful trails, and see what the program supports. The LWCF program funds important projects like new public fishing areas, hiking trails, and increased access for hunters and anglers. Enjoying our land is part of who we are in Montana and it is a multi-billion dollar part of our economy.”
Prior to Zinke’s successful re-election to the House, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) was proud to formally endorse Zinke as a 2016 Clean Energy Champion.
In his first term alone, Ryan Zinke has amassed a remarkable record of leadership on clean energy solutions. CRES commends his leadership to support legislation that strengthens America’s energy, economic, and environmental security, and we look forward to continuing our work with Zinke as heads the U.S. Department of the Interior.