Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) embarked on a district-wide energy tour to highlight the energy diversity and hear from local businesses and residents on the energy issues most important to them.
“Stops on the day-long tour included natural gas, hydropower, nuclear, and ethanol-producing facilities as well as a local gas station and an energy roundtable discussion. The discussion was attended by industry leaders, state legislators, local elected officials, and municipal directors, focusing on meeting the energy needs of local citizens and creating jobs through expanded energy production.
‘Today I had the opportunity to see firsthand the incredible energy diversity across my district and listen to the people who make heating your home and taking family road-trips possible,” said Kinzinger. “These facilities not only provide their communities energy, but also good paying jobs and economic stability. By pursing a true all-of-the-above energy approach, as embodied by the Sixteenth District, we can create more jobs and lower energy costs for all Americans.'”