Senate Votes to Progress Senator Portman’s Energy Efficiency Legislation

This week, the Senate voted to progress S. 2074, The Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act, sponsored by Senator Portman (R-OH). This important energy efficiency legislation is not only good for the environment, but it creates jobs and saves taxpayers money.

As Senator Portman said on the floor of the Senate yesterday, “Let’s do something that will actually surprise the American people. Let’s do something that will help move our country forward; create more jobs; help the environment be cleaner; also helping our energy security and therefore our national security and save taxpayers a lot of money.”

Six Republican cosponsors joined the Senator in leading the way on common sense energy solutions: Senators Murkowski (R-AK), Ayotte (R-NH), Collins (R-ME), Isakson (R-GA), Wicker (R-MS) and Hoeven (R-ND).

To read more about the bill, visit Senator Portman’s home page.

And to see Senator Portman speaking about the importance of this legislation, click here.

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