Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions Formally Endorses U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Congress

McMorris Rodgers Leads Efforts to Create Jobs and Grow Washington’s Clean Energy Economy


WASHINGTON — Today, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) formally announced its endorsement of Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers in her reelection bid for the U.S. House in Washington’s 5th Congressional District.


In order to receive CRES’s endorsement, candidates must acknowledge a role for the federal government in reducing America’s carbon emissions and developing a robust clean energy industry, as well as demonstrate leadership on policy initiatives related to climate change and emissions reduction.


“Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers has played a key role in advancing clean energy technologies and building a stronger American energy sector for her constituents,” said CRES Executive Director Heather Reams. “During her time in the U.S. House, Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers has worked to promote a safe and healthy environment and supported job-creating policies that strengthen our energy economy. CRES is proud to formally endorse Cathy McMorris Rodgers in her reelection bid for the U.S. House in Washington’s 5th Congressional District.”


“It’s an honor to be endorsed by Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. We need to use free-market ideas to wholeheartedly pursue safe, reliable, and affordable clean energy solutions that lower carbon emissions and reduce our reliance on other countries without raising taxes. I’m glad to be among Republicans all across America stepping up to lead on conservation, energy independence, and clean energy innovation,” said Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers.


CRES-endorsed candidates have contributed to a policy landscape to advance clean energy and emissions reductions in a way that puts the needs of the country first. Examples of initiatives and legislation championed by CRES and endorsed candidates have included reforming and reauthorizing ARPA-E and advanced nuclear research and development; commonsense, market-based emissions-reduction policies, including legislation to help farmers, ranchers and landowners embrace sustainable farming practices and participate in voluntary carbon markets; and policy solutions to incentivize the next generation of hydropower, wind, solar and geothermal generation, among others.


McMorris Rodgers’ record on clean energy includes the following:

  • Lead sponsor of the Hydropower Clean Energy Futures Act, a bill aimed at expanding clean, renewable, reliable, and affordable hydropower production in America and promotes the innovation of the next generation of hydroelectric technology.
  • Co-sponsored the Launching Energy Advancement and Development through Innovations for Natural Gas (LEADING) Act, which would incentivize research and development of carbon capture technology for natural gas to ensure a reliable, affordable, and environmentally-sound energy supply.
  • Co-sponsored the American Critical Mineral Exploration and Innovation Act, legislation that promotes the domestic exploration, research, development, and processing of critical minerals to ensure the economic and national security of the United States.
  • Serves as a senior member on the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as several caucuses of importance to energy issues, including the House Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, Congressional Natural Gas Caucus, and Congressional Biomass Caucus.
  • Co-sponsored the U.S. House resolution formally recognizing National Clean Energy Week 2020.



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