As originally published in the Bangor Daily News: here
Most of the headlines out of Washington, D.C., these days focus on Congress’ inability to forge consensus, but don’t tell that to Sen. Susan Collins who is fighting to ensure Maine’s interests are well represented in the new energy bill.
Collins has fought to ensure that the Energy Policy Modernization Act, under consideration in the Senate, includes much-needed attention for biomass energy. In addition to being environmentally sustainable and scientifically sound, biomass also is a major benefit to Maine’s economy.
To date, many outdated renewable energy policies have failed to distinguish biomass energy’s carbon emissions from fossil fuel emissions. Collins’ amendment, S.Amdt. 3140, would require the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency to ensure that federal policy relating to forest bioenergy is consistent across the federal government. It also would force Washington to recognize the full benefits of forest biomass for energy, conservation and forest management in Maine and throughout the country.
Placing environmentally sustainable and economically sound biomass policy before politics is a win for Maine families and businesses. There’s a lot of dysfunction in Washington, but clearly Collins is succeeding at delivering results.
James Dozier
Executive director
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions
Washington, D.C.