In a recent op-ed posted in RealClear Energy CRES President Heather Reams highlighted her trip to Anchorage, Alaska, where CRES Forum sponsored the 2023 Arctic Encounter Symposium, the largest gathering of domestic and international leaders with a focus on policies impacting the Arctic Circle. CRES President Heather Reams and VP of External Affairs Christine Harbin traveled to Houston to participate in bipartisan discussions about advancing clean energy development in the United States, and they enjoyed a full week of meetings with policymakers and industry partners who are at the forefront of American energy leadership.
The United States is an Arctic nation thanks to Alaska, and the Arctic region is central to our country’s energy independence and national security.

Heather hosted a panel with local Alaskan leaders to discuss the clean energy deployment challenges and opportunities facing the state’s remote communities. The panel—which featured Mayor John Handeland from the City of Nome, Leila Kimbrell of the Resource Development Council, Lance Miller from NANA, and Chris Rose from the Renewable Energy Alaska Project—outlined Alaska’s potential to develop critical minerals and natural gas, as well as low-carbon technologies like small modular nuclear reactors.
In addition to meetings with U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Alaska Lieutenant Governor Nancy Dahlstrom, Heather also hosted a featured discussion with Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah), Chairman of the Conservative Climate Caucus, and Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) to discuss bipartisan climate and energy efforts at the federal level.
The positive trajectory of clean energy in America is encouraging. CRES looks forward to continuing these important conversations and engaging constructively on climate and clean energy.

Alaskan energy production is among the most carbon-efficient globally, and the energy we produce here at home displaces dirtier sources, resulting in lower global emissions. As Heather wrote, “American innovation provides an opportunity for the United States to truly lead the world in clean energy production and emissions reduction.”
By unlocking these resources and strengthening American energy leadership, we can do just that. Alaska is a great place to start.