Let’s keep Garret Graves working for us!

America’s economy relies on domestic, sustainable, and reliable sources of energy. That is why we need to elect clean energy innovation champions like Rep. Garret Graves, who believes in common-sense policies that will strengthen our economy and put people back to work as soon as possible.

America’s booming energy sector has helped make our economy the best in the world. That’s why Rep. Garret Graves has championed greater research and development into the advanced, clean energy technologies that will keep America’s economy great and create jobs here in Louisiana. Email Rep. Garret Graves – thank him for getting America back to work.

Our nation is overcoming an unprecedented challenge, and Americans are ready to get back to work. Innovative, reliable, and affordable clean energy is powering our economic recovery and creating good paying jobs. Rep. Garrett Graves has championed greater research and development into clean energy technologies that are creating jobs here at home, while strengthen our energy security. Call/Email Rep. Garret Graves and thank him for getting us back to work.

As we work to help the country recover, we need common-sense policies that will strengthen our economy and put people back to work as soon as possible. Leaders like Rep. Garret Graves support clean energy innovation, which will spur economic growth in the short and long term and ensure our energy independence for generations to come.

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions thanks Rep. Garret Graves for being a clean energy innovation champion. America’s booming energy sector has helped make our economy the best in the world. Investing in the research and development of new clean energy technologies will keep America’s economy great and create jobs across the country.