Fission with Vision: Amazon’s Nuclear Power Play Fuels AI

Amazon inked a deal with X-Energy and Dominion Energy to power its Artificial Intelligence (AI) data centers well into the future using Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in Washington state and Virginia. Combined, these new developments will bring online nearly 5 gigawatts (GW) of new nuclear power by 2039.  

This move, along with previous announcements regarding nuclear energy and AI, underscores America’s continued commitment to nuclear energy and Amazon’s commitment to a net-zero carbon future. AI is projected to increase data centers’ energy demand by nearly 160 percent over the next several decades, making deals such as this even more important. Companies like Amazon are demonstrating their readiness to embrace nuclear energy to power the future and reduce emissions. 

Support for nuclear energy is at a near-record high, and Dominion and X-Energy are demonstrating that American nuclear technologies lead the world in cutting-edge innovation, reliability, and safety. Next generation nuclear technologies such as SMRs and advanced reactors, in addition to traditional nuclear reactors, are critical technologies that can provide clean, reliable, baseload power. 

Recognizing a historic opportunity, Amazon, X-Energy and Dominion embraced nuclear energy to power the coming AI revolution with the cleanest and safest energy available. 

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