Clean Energy Insider: Tick Tock on the Legislative Clock 

The latest edition of Clean Energy Insider highlights the energy priorities that are top of mind as the 118th Congress winds down.  

“Top of mind for energy advocates across the country is permitting reform, and while there may be doubt that progress can be made this Congress, there is ongoing bipartisan collaboration to streamline and modernize our federal permitting processes to make way for clean energy development. I recently co-authored an op-ed with Rep. Bob Latta (R-Ohio) highlighting several permitting reform provisions from H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, which were signed into law as part of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, as well as the need to address serial litigation that impedes clean energy projects. 


As we look toward the end of this Congress and to the next, CRES is committed to actively advocating for legislation to support American innovation and global leadership in supplying cleaner energy.”

SUBSCRIBE to the Clean Energy Insider to read more from Heather Reams and stay up to date on CRES’ efforts to advocate for commonsense energy solutions.

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