Clean energy is

Made in America.
a red, white & blue issue.
affordable, reliable & secure.
American innovation.
national security.
American prosperity.

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About CRES

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization founded in 2013 to engage Republican policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge. 

Current CRES Priorities

The United States leads the world in emissions reductions, and realizing the full potential of American energy requires streamlining overly restrictive regulations. An all-of-the-above energy approach strengthens America’s leadership, creates jobs, secures strong domestic supply chains, and protects our planet. 

Senator (R-Iowa)

Senator (R-Wyo.)

Congressman (R-Ga.)

Congressman (R-Mich.)

National Clean Energy Week

CRES and CRES Forum are the lead conveners of National Clean Energy Week (NCEW). Described by POLITICO as “a veritable who’s who of the Clean Energy World,” NCEW is an annual awareness week to recognize the value of clean energy including abundant job opportunities, economic growth, energy independence, consumer choice, lower energy prices, and a cleaner environment. Established in 2017, NCEW brings together CEOs, advocates, congressional officials from both parties, and industry leadership from across the country. 

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